Easter Mini 2020 with Rachel, Keith, and Their Son

A few pictures of our Easter minis with Rachel, Keith, and their son! If their son ever comes to a mini without a hat, I’ll be so sad. He rocks that style!!!
Our other Easter minis that were scheduled for that day cancelled, which I do completely understand. I am not arguing the need for being careful right now (flatten the curve!) but this is having and will have a huge impact on small businesses which run on small margins. It is an anxious and scary time for the photography industry with weddings now banned in many places and social distancing affecting sessions. We have faced this with events, weddings, sessions, and photo booths already. It is a real concern wondering how we will maintain a sustainable income and what the future holds for our family if this continues for several weeks or months!
If you are able to, please try to do your part to support small businesses right now. As another FB post mentioned, instead of canceling your hair stylist, house keeper, photographer, etc, spend the money on a gift card from them to use later! Book appointments for this summer. Gift their services to others. Spend your money with people who will be most affected, not the bigger stores, whenever possible!
If you’ve been meaning to order a wedding album but haven’t had the time, what better time than now to create your order with us! If you are missing family members, order a print of your last family session and send it to them! We are still offering sessions during this time as well, and taking all the precautions recommended as far as disinfecting, maintaining a 6 foot distance, and of course lots of hand washing.
We hope all of you stay well! We’re making the most of our family time – we had to cancel our camping trip so we are setting up for our backyard camping trip instead! We hope you are all finding the good moments that you can too!
“And when the danger passed, and the people joined together again, they grieved their losses, and made new choices, and dreamed new images, and created new ways to live and heal the earth fully, as they had been healed.” -Kitty O’Meara
Some of our other sessions with Rachel and Keith:
Rachel and Keith’s son’s newborn6 month1 year session, 2 year session, and 3 year session, and a lifestyle session.
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