Give with Grateful Hearts: Ending the 2014 Food Drive

Thank you to everyone who was part of our food drive this year!  It means a lot to our family, and as our kids grow up it means even more to see the impact it has on them.  Our kids are inspired to be kind and generous, and they get excited to find more ways to be giving in their day-to-day lives.

The kids set a big goal for us this year.  They wanted us to donate more than we have in any of our previous 5 years, so they set a goal of collecting 1200 items to the food pantry.  I was nervous, but with the gift cards from the mini session format this year and some great couponing skills by Jason, we made it!  We have 1209 ITEMS that will be dropped off at the food pantry tomorrow morning!  ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND NINE food items for the poor!  THANK YOU again so much to those of you who helped us reach that goal.  I’ll be blogging some pictures of these amazing people at their mini sessions soon.

Having this food drive every year before Thanksgiving has become a very important part of how our family celebrates the holidays, and we hope that being part of it becomes a holiday tradition for all of your families as well.  This Thanksgiving, as we think of our blessings and what we are grateful for, I hope everyone can find joy in their gratitude and generosity through that joy.

“Give with Grateful Hearts.”

For perspective, the word “Give” has 232 cans in it!

Update:  When we dropped off the food today, we had 1300 lbs of food donated!

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