Summer Never Ends: Our Son’s Four Year Session at the Beach

Though in most places September is the start of fall, our son loves the beach and he asked to have his four year session there.  As soon as he got to the water there was no stopping his fun!  He is definitely much more of a Florida person than anyone else in our family.  When I look back at pictures of him through the past four years (his 1 year session, 2 year session, and 3 year session) I am so shocked at how quickly time goes by.  I recently heard a quote that I think describes motherhood, and especially being a mom to our four year old, perfectly.  It says, “The days are long…but the years are short.”  Our son has so much energy and so much personality and by the end of some days I thank God for bed time.  But when I look at these pictures of him I get teary-eyed knowing that time keeps going by so fast and soon these days of him running around just being a kid will be gone.  He’ll be busy with friends and school and whatever else he might be into and I know I’ll miss every moment of these days, even the ones that try my patience right now.  His personality is this terrific combination of loving and sweet with dynamic and spirited.  I hope that he never loses his spunk and his sense of adventure!


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  • Vicki

    I just need to “borrow’ him for a 4 year old day. I loved teaching that age preschool many moons ago.

    Great shots revealing such a personality.

  • Lisa

    Great shots! He is getting so big..

  • Carrie

    LOVE these and all his expressions. And your mom quote made me tear up. You and Jason do such great work!
