Here’s a Clue: Someone turned 2!

We had a Blue’s Clues themed party yesterday to celebrate little brother’s 2nd birthday.  He was excited and a bit overwhelmed to see the Blues Clues streamers, hanging decorations, balloons, hats, blowers, stickers and tattoos, plates, and napkins but after a few minutes he was loving everything!




Baby sister, almost two months old now, with her party hat:


Robin and Bronwyn brought their baby boy over to play.  With a smile this cute, dad is going to have an awesome session with him for his first birthday in a couple months!



We played a game where we had to put a sticker into the empty picture frame on the Blue’s Clues poster.  We closed our eyes and people spun us in circles before we could put the sticker on.  Aunt Lora got so dizzy that she wasn’t even close to the poster!


Yes, a Thomas the Train cake for a Blue’s Clues party.  Whatever makes little brother happy!  The cake was actually lots of cupcakes put together so mom put some Blue’s Clues cupcake picks in a few just to work in the party theme.




“Present time, present time.  Open the present, see what’s inside.”  (Blue’s Clues fans, or parents of Blue’s Clues fans, will know what that quote is from.)  It is hard to open presents that look super fun and then not be able to play with them right at that very second because you have more to open.  But once all the gifts was opened, everyone started playing!  There were choo choo trains, Little People sets, Little Einstein rocket ships, art stuff, bristle blocks, and lots of other cool new toys.  Dad played with the bristle blocks so much that no one else could get a turn!


Fun in the pool with Aunt Lora after the party:


Birthdays are great times to think about all of our blessings and to thank God for the gift of each of us in our family and the time we have with one another.  Happy 2nd birthday little brother!  You are so special and so loved!  Mom and dad say that they cannot wait to see what you have in store for them this year 🙂 .


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  • lauren

    Happy Birthday E! So adorable!!!! 🙂

  • Caroline

    It looks like you all – especially E – had so much fun! So glad you got to spend some fun time together as a family.

  • Meghan

    Looks like a great party! Happy Birthday, E!

  • Too fun!!!

  • Hey Jason, Met you today taking photos of your little guy at FH! You have some really amazing work! Lori
