Mom’s Haircut

For mom’s birthday we gave her a trip to the salon for a much needed haircut!  She hadn’t been in so long that she ended up getting EIGHT INCHES taken off and it still comes almost half way down her back!  Mom says her head feels a lot lighter and her hair feels much healthier so she thanked us a lot.  At the salon, mom’s stylist was a really nice woman who just moved here from Atlanta.  She did hair for weddings there and wants to get that going again here because she loves doing it.  She works with a makeup artist and they will come to you on the wedding day.  Mom said she did a great job with her hair so if anyone needs a hair and makeup person for their wedding get in touch with Bo at or 813-293-1773.

Here are a couple pictures of mom’s new haircut and her growing belly now that she is almost 5 months along!



And we’ve also been saying that we need to show how much little brother’s hair has lightened.  Here he is when he was born.  His hair is almost black!


It was a little lighter at 6 months, but still a dark brown (and very long).


And these were taken just a few weeks ago.  Can you believe how much lighter his hair is now?!  It looks like it was dyed but we really didn’t do anything at all to it!  In these pictures the sun makes it look a little lighter than it really is but even inside it looks almost blond.




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  • Megan

    Lucia you look great!!!!

  • lauren

    Wow Lucia you are glowing! Love the hair(and the baby belly!) I can’t believe how light you litle one’s hair too so cute!!!
    Lauren 🙂

  • Casey

    Lucia, your hair looks great! I can’t believe how light the babies hair has gotten! The same thing happened to my niece’s hair when she turned about a year old. Hope all is well!

  • Berni

    Lucia, your hair looks amazing and you are gorgeous!

  • OMG! When you said you cut 8 inches I was expecting much shorter! Your hair is still longer than mine. LOL! You look AMAZING!

  • Marissa (YAB)

    You look so beautiful!!! I hope I am as small as you in my fifth month! And you seriously look like you haven’t aged at all…with TWO boys…you know that’s a miracle…right?? Oooo MAB I can’t wait to see you!!

  • Erica

    Wow! It really has lightened a lot! So adorable!

    BTW, so are you with your baby belly!!!

  • Lucia, you are BEAUTIFUL! And little brother is one little cutie – just like his big brother. They must get it all from their mom. Happy belated birthday!

  • Lucia – you look amazing!!
