Nine Months

Mom was so sad when Weslie moved out of state just after she started talking about planning play dates together.  Hmmm, was that a coincidence or not?  Luckily it has worked out for the family to be in town for all of their little girl’s first year pictures!  Mom was excited to see Weslie, Jeremy, and of course their beautiful daughter.  They came over last Tuesday for a nine month session.  Mom had us boys over at grandma’s for a while that day and being pregnant and exhausted she decided to take a nap.  She couldn’t believe it when she woke up and it was so late that the session was over!  So she missed out on seeing everyone but said she is going to be sure to see them when they are back in town for Christmas.

A double ear infection is no fun, especially when you are teething too, but with Weslie and Jeremy as parents there are lots of smiles to go around.  They are a really fun family and we are so happy to know them.


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  • Weslie

    Yeah!! I was so afraid there wouldn’t be any cute pics after miss cranky pants didn’t want to cooperate. lol

  • Oh my gosh, that pic with the bubbles!

  • leigh

    These are so cute! But Avery, don’t eat the bubbles – they don’t taste very good at all! Miss you guys!
