Fall in Florida

Every year to try to make it feel more like fall despite the heat, our family heads down to the Pumpkin Festival on a farm.  The past couple years, grandma, grandpa, and Aunt Kellie have joined us too.  It is always so much fun!  Funnel cake, pony rides, live music, a corn maze, games, a petting zoo…with so much to do, the time there goes by fast!

The giant slide:

Pony rides (mom always feels super bad for the ponies and almost doesn’t let me ride):

Aunt Kellie on the giant jumping thing:

Aunt Kellie doing a flip:

Grammy, before you freak out, it said ages TWO to a hundred, so I was even older than the age limit!


SPOOKY face painting!

Now we know there are more pictures of one of us than the other, but you can only take so many pictures of a kid picking up straw, or wood chips, or dirt, and putting it in a wagon which is what amused the younger of us most of the day.

And because there aren’t many Pumpkin Festival pictures of the younger of the two of us, here is a cute face from another day:

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  • The Waraksa Family

    OH MY GOSH — this looks like SOOO much fun!!
    Where did you go for the festival!!! Next year — you MUST let us know so we can take the girls!!
