Amber and Thomas at the Lange Farm

Dad started his day on Saturday at Shear Art Salon in Tampa.  Amber and her bridesmaids got their hair done there before being picked up by a limo and heading to The Lange Farm.  Dad loves the staff at the Lange Farm, and the location is awesome.  It was so fun for dad to run into Nancy and Tracy as they had a meeting there!  They are a couple whose wedding dad will be photographing in June of 2010.

Colored wedding shoes are so cute.  Amber had blue shoes to wear under her beautiful gown.  The gown was both romantic and fun with pretty detailing and ribbon banding on it.  Long ribbons were also part of the decor on many of the floral arrangements and bouquets, though those ribbons were in the wedding colors of peach and blue.  Mom thought the color combination was unique and looked cute together!  Dad loved that the couple included many images from their engagement session throughout their day.  One of the pictures was the front cover for the programs.  Another was in a beautiful frame etched with the lyrics to “It Had to Be You.”  Dad’s favorite though was the groom’s cake.  Even on your wedding day, sometimes your friends just have to rag on you.  Thomas had taken the day off of work when he had his engagement session.  When his friends and co-workers saw one of his pictures, they couldn’t help but tease him by making it into a funny cake.  Another detail at the wedding that dad really loved was the statue made to look like the couple.  One of the groomsmen made it using pictures of the couple and of the bride’s dress.  He did a great job replicating both the couple and Amber’s dress.  Dad wants him to make one of our family!

Amber and Thomas had Collin Towers as their videographer, A Better Cheesecake for their wedding cake, and the talented Felix the DJ at the reception to keep the party going.  It was a great day, and even when things started to run behind the couple was still in high spirits and ready for fun!  At the end of the night, they departed through a bubble send off.  Congratulations Amber and Thomas!


Aren’t the moms gorgeous?!







Our first Lange Farm couple to take pictures with the goats!  One started to try to eat Thomas’s pants 🙂 .


Peach and blue on the tables:







It IS a funny jump after all, Thomas!







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  • Love the statue!
    Have to say that one of our couple’s friends did that with an engagement picture too. But they had it made into shirts! At the reception they all got into shirts with the jumping picture on it. Except they had PS’ed him as wearing a space rocket or something. It was crazy. Haven’t gotten around to blogging that one yet…I am so behind on that project!! 🙂

  • Lindsey

    That bridesmaid dress is what my girls wore!! Different colors… i had pink for my maid of honor and green for the girls 🙂
